Cheese Making Vats

This product range from ETSCHEID takes you out of your position as a producer of high-quality milk into one where you convert milk from various milking animals like cows, sheep and goats into premium milk products which you can market directly. The cheese vats and cheese making vats are three-walled, insulated containers, made entirely from stainless steel.

Cheese making vat, type KB

The model KB cheese vats are particularly suited to home dairies and for small quantities. This means that even a small quantity of milk, like twenty litres, can be professionally heated in our KB 50. Special agitators, lid designs and various outlet and drain cock diameters meet your requirements.

To make working with the cheese vat easy, we recommend the tilting stand, which can also be supplied in mobile form. This makes it possible for you to empty and clean the vat without difficulty and allows you to move your cheese vat.

Cheese Making Vat, Model KBB

To process larger quantities of milk, we suggest our Model KBB. They are vats that have an automatic and infinitely variable agitator and cutting unit, rotational direction switch and divided lid.

The quick-release fastener allows the agitator to be quickly and easily replaced by the cutting unit. This applies throughout and thus ensures the mixture will be cut up evenly and finely. Here also, a tilting device makes emptying and cleaning easy.

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